Saturday, May 11, 2013

I won't keep you in suspense...

Captial City Half Marathon Finisher's Medal


As promised…thank you for all of the prayers! God heard and answered in amazing ways. I’ve set a goal of running at least one half marathon each month in May-November. My aim in doing these races is to raise awareness of lupus and our need for a cure, and to bring honor and glory to God. So, May 4 was #1, the Capitol City half marathon in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to a recent lupus flare, I was placed on an antibiotic for infection on April 29. When I asked friends to pray, God provided answers for our requests for: strength, safety, health concerns, healing, a nagging knee injury, a severe dizzy spell at mile 10, recovery from my infusion April 26, good rest, digestive concerns, a divine appointment with a young lady from our hotel, a neighbor with an ankle injury, plenty of shade, a nice breeze, good temperatures, no rain, a strong finish and many other “small” requests along the course of the race. 

Just steps from the finish line!
Reunited with Ben after the finish. Tired, but happy~praise the Lord!

Start of the race. There were 14,000 participants!

Finish line party with Wayesburg friends.

I've posted this before, but I'd like to say it again...
So, why running? I don’t know…I can’t explain it. I feel called to do it. I feel like God has something for me to learn through the process of training and running with lupus. I feel like I really spend time with God when I run. My body is occupied, so He can have my mind. My prayer life has grown SO much. My appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation has been re-ignited. And, most importantly, my joy is being restored. I want God to use my running to heal my body and spirit. I want God to use my running to spread awareness about Lupus. I want God to use my running to inspire others and draw them to Him. I want God to amaze me, challenge me, change me and make me grow, and I don’t have to understand why running is the vehicle for this. I just have to put one foot in front of the other as often as I feel I can. 


Remember, May is Lupus Awareness Month!
(click on the link above to be directed to the petition)
(click the link above to read more about lupus, its sypmtoms, treatments, and more)
Don't forget to wear purple on Friday, May 17
Yes, Steelers fans, it's true--purple is the official color of lupus awareness. However, since Put On Purple day, May 17, is NOT during football season, maybe on that day we can all come together and wear purple to spread lupus awareness!

(click on the link above to see a video)
Next stop: Decker's Creek Half Marathon, June 1, Morgantown, West Virginia!
Why I like to sign up for races well in advance...

My running philosophy...

Also on the calendar in May: Armed Forces Day virtual quarter marathon, Band Together For Lupus virtual quarter marathon, Westminster Women's Classic virtual 10 mile race, and the North Strabane 5K on Memorial Day. Gotta keep kicking the beehive...
On the schedule, due to a stomach virus. This, too, shall pass!
"Better Things" by Ray Davies (The Kinks)
(click the link above to hear the song)
Heres wishing you the bluest sky,
And hoping something better comes tomorrow.
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the doubt and sadness.
I know that better things are on the way.

Here's hoping all the days ahead
Wont be as bitter as the ones behind you.
Be an optimist instead,
And somehow happiness will find you.
Forget what happened yesterday,
I know that better things are on the way.

Its really good to see you rocking out
And having fun,
Living like you just begun.
Accept your life and what it brings.
I hope tomorrow you'll find better things.
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.

Heres wishing you the bluest sky,
And hoping something better comes tomorrow.
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the doubt and sadness.
I know that better things are on the way.

I know you've got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
The past is gone it's all been said.
So heres to what the future brings,
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.
Yes, and today my potential needs rest!

I'm telling my story...
                            I want to hear yours...
"Come what may, I want to run."
Psalm 119:32
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free.
Join me in the journey...
(click on the link above to hear the song)